Friday, 29 December 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 50

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 50

The Toggles are finally dry and I am no longer getting ink on my fingers so are ready for use.

Extra Loop


I have Knitted another I-Cord and Sewn it to form a Loop. I have added the Extra Loop in the Centre of the others.

Mark with Pins


I need to match up the Toggles with the Loops. This is not as straightforward as the other side as the Material Length is slightly Wider. I have placed the Material and Marked with Pins where the Toggles should be Sewn

Three Toggles


I decided to use the Original Toggles first. I have Sewn them at the two ends and in the Centre.

Vertical Toggles


I have encountered a problem. I had been so concerned about making sure the Loops were Sewn on the thicker Material that I had not thought about the amount of space between.

Therefore, I have Sewn the new Toggles Vertically. Perhaps losing a Toggle and having to use Smaller ones has become an advantage.

Finished Toggles


I have Finished Sewing all the Toggles in place. Whilst not perfect I am satisfied with the End result.

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 49

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 49

It never rains but it pours.

Toggle Problem


Okay I have a problem. I did have extra Wooden Toggles and now I am short. I think that they must have dropped on the floor and been swallowed up by the Hoover.

I searched for any Toggles that I might have in my button collection. I have some but they are completely the wrong Colour. I know these are going to be on the Inside but even so, I like to try my best.

Marked Toggles


I am going to have to Colour some Toggles to try to match them better. The Toggles that I have are some that I have taken off an item. Unfortunately, they have become Marked. Therefore, I have selected ones that seem to be the worst to be used.

Coloured Toggles


I have Coloured the Toggles in with a Permanent Marker Pen. As you can see in the above photograph, they are now much darker. If they were to be on show, I would not have been happy with the overall result.

However since they are not it does not matter too much. The Thread will cover the light areas. The next problem to tackle is the fact that they are smaller than the others are. I have therefore decided that I will add an extra Loop. This should help spread the weight.



Thursday, 14 December 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 48

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 48

On to the next set of Loops

Four Loops


I have spaced out the Loops differently on the Strengthener. This is because it has extra Material on the Outer Edges. I may need to add another Loop for more support.

Thumb Joint


Before I can add the Toggles, I need to make a Stronger Hem. I Fold it over so it is roughly a Thumb Joint Width.

Hem Across


I proceeded to Hem it all the way Across. Then I went to add the Toggles. However at least one has gone walkies. I need to rethink this. Either buy some more or find one the same size in a different Colour.

Bumpy Yellow


Whilst I am sorting out the Toggles, I decided to do something about the nasty Bumpy Yellow patch that I have spotted.

Nice and Neat


On closer inspection, there was more than one section of Yellow that needed addressing. Therefore, I added two Leaves, an Orange one on the Right and a Golden Yellow on the Left.

Friday, 8 December 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 47

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 47

I am going to continue to add the Loops

Two Loops


I decided to start at the Outer Edge. The Material here is Stronger because of the Wide Hem. I added Two Loops using the same technique as before.



It was difficult adding the Right Loop because of the Material hanging down. This was something that I had left Unfinished. I decided I had better do it before carrying on with the other Loops.

Fold Hem


I Folded the Material and Sewed it to make a Double Hem. This made it both Shorter and Tidier.

Tuck Under


I then decided to Tuck the Hem Under the Strap. With a few more Stitches, this should hold it in place.

Friday, 1 December 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 46

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 46

Another quick blog. On to the Toggles.

Marking Pins


The Side I am working on is the Strengthener attached to the Main Bag. I thought it best to do this Side first as it will not move. Before I start Marking out I Pin, the two ends.

Confident that it is now Secured I move the Hem so I can see the Loops. Next, I Mark with a Pin in the Hem.

Either Side

I am using some scrap Wool to Sew the Toggles into place. I am Sewing Either Side of the Pin to ensure that the Toggle does not slip.

Toggle and Loop

I have now Sewn all four Toggles in place. I have put the Loops around them. The Bag will slightly give a little but that is to be expected. I have to confess that I am not entirely sure whether I should have done the Toggles Horizontal or Vertical. If needs be I can always change later.

Friday, 24 November 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 45

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 45

Once again, I have been plagued with difficulties. This time it is not illness although that is still on going. I had found several areas that needed covering with more leaves.

Three times, I had nearly finished making one and three times, I had to start again because I found the Wool had Frayed. So annoying.

Slightly Wonky

The book Measuring had worked out better. It is still Slightly Wonky but it does not need to be perfect. Anyway, I did Unpick some and redo it.

Cut Excess

Now I can finally Cut away the Excess. I had started it then stopped, as I was not sure if I needed to go all the way along to the End. Consequently, it has been a pain in my side flapping around whilst trying to Measure and Sew

The reason why I was not sure about the Length is because one of the Strengtheners is higher on one side than the other. So far from being too long, it may in fact be a little short.

Double Hem


Since there is the Weight factor to take into consideration, I have decided to Fold over and Make a Double Hem. Now I can move on to making adding the Toggles.

Saturday, 18 November 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 44

 Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 44

My most sincere apologies for this late blog. I am really struggling with getting the photographs transferred. I guess I really am number44 droopy drawers.

Wonky Hems


The state of my health can really be seen in the constant corrections I have to make. This time it is a Wonky Hem. It is only when I was Folded that I could see how much out of alignment it was.

Unpick Hems


I have to Unpick all the Hems I have done. I am starting with the Side Hems.

 Needle Measure


One of the Hems is the Original and therefore Machine done. Therefore, I am starting in the Top Corner. I am using one of the Knitting Needles to act as a guide. When I get to the end of one, I will continue with the other to Measure out the Hem.

Book It


It did not work. I was still finding that I was offline. Therefore, I am now using a Book. If you are wondering why I did not do this, in the first place it is Simple. I am currently unable to move much and therefore had to use what I could reach. I hope that this will work better.

Friday, 10 November 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 43

 Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 43

Now it is time to tackle those Stitches Securing the Loops

Adding Leaf

Apart from Covering the Stitches that come through, I want to try to brighten up the Large Brown Area. I select a Red Leaf to start with.

Extra Security


I have to be careful how I add the Leaf. I want to give Extra Security to the Loop by Sewing across. However, I do not want to make it unusable.

Four Leaves


I have now added Four Leaves. I have tried to alternate the Colours.

Adding Detail


Next, it is time to Add more Detail so the Leaves are not stuck in the middle of nowhere.


In addition to making it prettier I am also trying to Secure any holes left where I Picked Up Stitches.

Friday, 3 November 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 42

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 42

Once again, I have to apologise. I am still having problems with photographs.

Sorting Loops


I had made eight Loops in Total. For the moment, I only need four. When I made the Loops, I only used a rough guide therefore; they are slightly different in size. I am now Sorting them into groups.

Adding Loop


I Add two of the Loops to the Strengthener. I am using Finger Spacing as a guide to separate them. These are the Outside Pair. I have Added them roughly an Inch away from the Edge.

All Looped Up


I now have Added the Inside Pair of Loops. They are two Finger Spaces from the Outside Loops. This means that the gap in the centre is not exact. If I feel that it is needed I can always add another Loop later.

Sewn Through


I was not particularly bother about which Brown Wool that I used to Sew the Loops in place. I merely used any bit of Wool Scraps that I had handy.

Obviously to make sure the Loops were Secured properly I have Sewn Through. This means that the Stitches will have to be Covered.

Friday, 27 October 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 41

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 41

Apologies I have had camera problems so have had to improvise this blog.



Change of Wool. I have quite a bit of various Odds and Ends of Wool left. Since this next bit is not going to be seen I am using up some Crinkly Wool.



I have made a series of I-Cords. They are roughly a Thumb Length.



I left the Tails on the I-Cords so I could Sew them together in a Loop.

Lots of Loops


I have made eight Loops in Total

Loop Tidy


The Loops are quite easily lost. I have threaded a bright piece of Wool through them and have Knotted it. This will stop them disappearing when I move my craft stuff around.

Friday, 20 October 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 40

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 40

I really feel like I have finally turned a corner and the Bag is coming into its own.



I had a couple of I-Cords left over and rather than Unpick them I had hung on to them. Now I can put them to use.

Sew on Cords


I Sewed the I-Cords approximately an Inch in from the Edge.

Lip Folded


I Folded the Lip of the Flap Over and Secured the I-Cords by Sewing across. Roughly, a centimetre either side. Then I Sewed all the way from one side to another.

Toggles Completed.

I had Two Large Toggles which I Sewed approximately a third of the way down the Bag. This is so there is a little give in the Flap for when the Bag has things inside it.