Saturday, 19 April 2014

Procrastination is a waste of time

Procrastination is a Waste of Time

That’s a really good title’ I think to myself.

Yes it is’ pipes up a little voice ‘are you sure it’s yours?’

Now I have guilt. Did I think of it or have I read it somewhere? It’s amazing how treacherous the thoughts in your head can be. I often have little voices going off in my head. Sometimes a faint whisper or a full blown battle like now. That’s it I can’t sleep. Thanks a lot voices. I have just got up and switched the light on. It is 23.56 pm on Tuesday 15th June to be precise. I have just finished reading the link magazine and considered writing an article. However since I started drafting a version whilst drifting off to sleep all the voices have begun to jump up and down in unison to hammer home the fact that if I do go to sleep I shall forget everything. THANKS A BUNCH! Now it’s past midnight and I am wide awake and wondering about stupid things such as how DO voices jump up and down. Well how do they?

I am now resigned to the fact that I won’t sleep until I've finished. Ha just wait till THEY are trying to sleep and I will start jumping up and down and see how THEY like it. Hm. I wonder how many times I've used the words just and now. By my reckoning I've used ‘N’ 5 times and ‘J’ 4 times. Yes I did go and count it. Whoops nearly used the ‘J’ word again. Who cares I hear you cry. Nobody I reply. It’s an example of how I procrastinate.

Why am I writing this? Because you can’t sleep you answer. Well yes obviously but besides that. There are several reasons, firstly because of Lynne Hackles plea for filling an empty space. Oh that’s where I got procrastinate from. I knew I had seen it recently. Secondly I noticed the deadline was the 10th July which is my birthday and I am the sort of annoying person that reminds people of the fact. And thirdly, yes I did start a sentence with an ‘and’ so what, move with the times. Besides its late and I couldn't care less as long as the voices shut up. What was I talking about? Oh yes to see if (only if published) any of the rest of my writing group notice. I mean do any of us read the link magazine or give it a cursory glance then file it until we have more time. Another example of procrastination

But (any complaints see comments on starting a sentence with and!) I am mainly writing this because I have two modules to do for college which have an increasingly nearing deadline and I am running out of ideas for putting off doing them. So far I have been too busy, too tired, trying to relax or not had all the information. My computer is not working and the printer won’t connect to mums (that bit is actually true) and why should I rush when I probably won’t make the deadline anyway.

It is amazing when you think about how much effort you put in to avoid doing a job. I've found myself over the years going to extreme lengths to put off simple jobs by finding far more complicated ones like cleaning the oven and repainting the bathroom grouting.

Oh well the voices seemed to have died down so I will try and sneak the light off and grab some sleep while they’re not looking. Oh so they can look as well as jump these voices can they? Don’t be pedantic (is that the right word?) you know what I mean. Well I have waffled on much more than 500 words I am sure so I will finish and hope there is something left after the editor has cut the drivel.

P.S. Note to self. Well is a construction to obtain water from below ground. It doesn't need to be inserted in every paragraph and there are such things as commas. I don’t need to keep using the word and.

At this point all the little voices jump on top of the proof reading voice in an effort to get some sleep. Time 12.37 am.

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