Thursday, 28 February 2019

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 20

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 20

Now the main outfit has been made it is time to Accessorise.

Red Beret

This is going to be a short blog as it is really simple to make a Beret.

Cut out a Circle. Begin to Hem. As you are Hemming it with a Tacking Stitch pull the thread tight and it will give you the Crinkled effect that is shown in the Photograph above.

Collection of Berets

I repeated this process with 3 other colours. The sizes vary a little depending on what I was using a template.

Gem Hatpins

Obviously since the Beret is for a Marionette and therefore going to be bouncing around I need a way to make sure it did not fall off.

Since I use Hatpins when I am wearing a Beret I did not see any reason why she could not do the same. I picked out some of my smallest pins. I then added a drop of glue to each one and pressed down a coloured Gem.

Hey Presto! An assortment of Hatpins ready for use.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 19

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 19

In Loving Memory of Sarah Louise Kay
The world is a darker place without her.

This blog is moving on to making Skirts to go with the Top

Rough Template

In keeping with the French theme I decided to add a touch of Red to go along with the Blue and White. Since the Skirt like the Top has to be detachable I came up with the idea of making it a wrap-around Skirt with Side Split

Cutting out the material was the easy bit as was the Hemming. The difficulty was trying to place the Press Studs in the right place. This was due to the hour glass figure.

If I tried making the Skirt tight around the Stomach it made it flare out in an unsightly manner. Too loose and it flapped about. In the end I decided that the best way would be to make the Skirt sit on the Hips.

Red and Blue

Once I had the dimensions for the Skirt I could make more with slightly different designs.

The Original Red Skirt is shown in the above picture which is fully Hemmed. The Dark Blue Skirt I have straightened on one side and have used Pinking Scissors to create the pattern.

Pure White

The White Skirt I have kept simple. I have merely Hemmed 3 Sides. Therefore the Bottom can be altered at another time if wished.

Party Blue

This Blue Skirt I decided to add a touch of sparkle by adding a Silver Ribbon. This will make an excellent match for the Party Top.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 18

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 18

This is the final part of making the Top

Straps Shortened on Back

Now that the Hook and Eyes were on the material I could see exactly how much length I needed on the Straps to go around the Marionette.

I did not cut the Straps I merely Folded them to the right length and sewed them in place.

Front Blue Ribbon

It was time to jazz up the Front of the Top a little. I did this by adding a shiny Ribbon around the Stripes. This of course had the added benefit of hiding the rough stitching.

Front Daytime

To finish the Front piece entirely I added a textured edging in Navy Blue. I then drew around it so I would have a Template for another outfit.

Party Time Back Piece

Now what could be better for a Party than a bit of sparkle and bling? I added Silver Ribbon and at the Neck I glued a Gem. I again took measurements for future reference.

Voila! Tres Chic.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 17

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 17

This blog will deal mainly with the Front Piece of the Top

Blue Binding

First of all I need to add some more Blue Binding to make the Top wider and longer whilst at the same time securing and tidying the edges of the Stripped material.

First Corner

In the picture above you can see in the Right Hand Corner I have Folded the Binding at an Angle to make a Slant. This is where the Top needs to bend in order to go underneath the Doll’s Arms.

In the Left Hand Corner of the picture you can see that I have laid the Needle also in a Diagonal direction. Take note of this because this is where I am going to Fold the Binding.

Diagonal Fold

I make the First Fold as shown. Unfortunately the next photograph did not come out. Press the Fold so it doesn’t try and spring back.

Next Fold the same bit of Binding so that part is Level with the rest of the Binding and the Length runs along the Bottom covering up the White Stitches. I suggest you try a couple of times then pin it so it doesn’t move whilst sewing.

Sew to 2nd Corner

Sew along the Bottom of the material but leave a good gap before you reach the end. This is where the next Fold will be.

Corner Loop

I suggest again that you try this Fold out a couple of times then Pin it in place before attempting to sew. It is slightly trickier and I never like this part myself.

It can be Folded in the same way as before but if I had done that the direction of the Fold would not be the same. It is easier to show than explain – see below.

Second Blue Added

This photograph was originally the other way up but I have rotated it so that it is easier to see how both Corners have the Folds in the same direction.

I then added another layer of Binding to widen. You might wonder why I didn’t just use a wider piece in the first place. The answer is simple. I haven’t the foggiest idea what I am doing!

I have never made a Doll before so am not used to having to sew around a 3D object. Therefore I am having to constantly put the item on and re-measure bit by bit. Oh and of course it does need to match.

Hook and Eyes

The final bit of this piece is to add the Hook and Eyes. I put the heaviest section which is the Hook on the stronger part which in this case is the Hem. The Eyes are sewn to a very flimsy Fold.

It is imperative that you make sure the Hook and Eyes match up before sewing in place otherwise the Top will bulge. I did the one nearest the Arm first. That way I knew how the material would go underneath.