Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 6
I have Picked Up as many Stitches as I could.
in Bag
Hmm. Things haven’t gone too well. I have created Holes in the Bag. I am going to have to sort those later. I want to crack on.
End of Row
Right the first thing is to make sure that I know where the End of the Row is. I have tied a piece of Wool around. Not sure where my Stitch Markers are.
the Needle
Then next part is tricky. I am going to have to find my other Needles, Stitch Markers and Stitch Holders.
This should have been easy but of course it wasn’t. My Needles had decided to slip out of their Covers. In the end I had to use a Needle Gauge on every single Needle to sort it.
Stitch Holder
What I want to do is Pick Up 30 Stitches so I can carry on Knitting the Strap. Easier said than done. This is because I have to Pick Up 15 Stitches either side of the Marker.
I decided to do the most difficult Pick Up first. I therefore
took a Stitch Holder and began to Slide it through the Stitches. I had to start
at the 15th Stitch and work back towards the Marker.
Have hit a Snag. It is Too Tight to get all the Stitches
on the Stitch Holder with the other Needle still inside.
So I have had to add a Second Stitch Holder to try and
easy the pull from the back.