Thursday, 23 February 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 6

 Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 6

I have Picked Up as many Stitches as I could. 

Holes in Bag


Hmm. Things haven’t gone too well. I have created Holes in the Bag. I am going to have to sort those later. I want to crack on. 

Mark End of Row


Right the first thing is to make sure that I know where the End of the Row is. I have tied a piece of Wool around. Not sure where my Stitch Markers are.

Hunt the Needle


Then next part is tricky. I am going to have to find my other Needles, Stitch Markers and Stitch Holders.

This should have been easy but of course it wasn’t. My Needles had decided to slip out of their Covers. In the end I had to use a Needle Gauge on every single Needle to sort it.

First Stitch Holder


What I want to do is Pick Up 30 Stitches so I can carry on Knitting the Strap. Easier said than done. This is because I have to Pick Up 15 Stitches either side of the Marker.

I decided to do the most difficult Pick Up first. I therefore took a Stitch Holder and began to Slide it through the Stitches. I had to start at the 15th Stitch and work back towards the Marker.

Too Tight


Have hit a Snag. It is Too Tight to get all the Stitches on the Stitch Holder with the other Needle still inside. 

So I have had to add a Second Stitch Holder to try and easy the pull from the back.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 5

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 5

It just gets worse!

Sew up Sides


I had to think how I was going to Sew up the Sides. This is because the Edges did not match Colour-wise. In the end I decided to Sew up using Brown all the way. I Sewed the Tails in that were near the edges on the way.

Gap at Top


When I got near the Top I finished Sewing leaving a Gap. This is because I had reached the point where I had got it Twisted when joining together. I decided that I would just have to Bite the Bullet and Sew.

When I got to the Twisted Part I Sewed as Tightly as I could and created a slight Overlap. It made it a little Bulky but apart from that it wasn’t very disenable to the eye.

Pick up Stitches

I hate Picking Up Stitches at the best of times however to my Horror I realised that when I came to do so I had made a fundamental error. I frantically read through all my blogs.

It was no use. It must have been due to being so poorly but I had neglected to put down how many Stitches I had Cast On. Therefore I didn’t know how many to Pick Up.

I am going to have to Improvise.

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 4

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 4

I am not having a good time.

Unpicked Sigh


If there is one thing that I hate doing it is Unpicking. I always Drop Stitches and the ones I don’t Drop I end up Twisting. On this occasion it took me two whole days to sort out. It wasn’t helped by my constant coughing.

Cast Off


I eventually managed to carry on Knitting. This time I didn’t decrease at all. Therefore it too me much longer. You cannot see it very well in the above photograph as it has Rolled.

I have Knitted a few Inches before Casting Off. It isn’t quite as long as before but that is due to loss of Wool from the Unpicking Process.

Blanket Stitch


I left an unusually long Tail upon Casting Off. This is so I could Sew up the Bottom. I have used Blanket Stitch. This isn’t really the correct Stitch for the job.

There is a Stitch used in Knitting called the Mattress Stitch used for joining two pieces together. However I haven’t ever really got the hang of it. I am certainly in no fit state to try it now.

Around the Corner


I Blanket Stitched to the End. Then since this will have a great deal of weight on it I turned and Sewed back along the Piece. Since the Bottom was Brown I carried on around the Corner. Now I need to consider what to do next.

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 3

 Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 3

I have managed to do some more Knitting but with being ill it is slow process.

Bag 14 Inches


I have got the Bag to 14 Inches in Length. I think this should be long enough as I will be adding to the Top and the Bottom.

Brown Edge


Now I am Changing from Coloured Pattern to Plain Brown. This is for two reasons. Firstly I am going to Decrease and it will make it simpler with one Colour.

The second reason is more prosaic. This going to be the Bottom of the Bag and often be placed upon the floor. Therefore Plain Brown is less likely to show the Dirt.

90 Stitches


I have been slowly Decreasing the Stiches over a handful of Rows. I have now only 90 Stitches on the Needle. This means the Knitting will now go a lot faster.

Wrong Shape


I am a COMPLETE IDIOT! I was having a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong but couldn’t work it out. I therefore kept on Knitting in the hope that it would reveal itself.

Well it has. It was only when I had nearly got to the end of the Wool and Folded that it struck me. I had completely forgotten that I was making the Bag out of one piece NOT TWO.

This means it is entirely the Wrong Shape and will have to be Unpicked.