Thursday, 24 February 2022

Refurbished Mini Footstool 2021

 Refurbished Mini Footstool 2021

With the Chaise Longue and Footstool looking nice I just had to do the Mini Footstool too.

Red Footstool


The Mini Footstool is sturdier than the other Footstool and will have to be covered properly rather than a Slipcover.

Initial Pins


First I check how much material I need by a Corner with a couple of Pins. I need to be able to Cover the Centre and the Edges.

Glue Top


I spread the Glue all over the Top of the Mini Footstool so I can begin sticking the material.

Glue and Pin Front


I Glue what I am going to refer to as the Front of the Mini Footstool. I then proceed to carefully place the material over that so it Covers the Edge.

Next I place the material over the Glued Top of Stool. I then put a couple of Pins in the Front to hold whilst drying.

Glue and Pin Sides


I Glue and Pin the material along the Sides of the Mini Footstool.

Glue Left


That was the easy bit. I now have to make the Edges look neat. I am going to do that by Folding the Corner around from the Front.

I Glue the Triangular Shape and Press it tight against the Side keeping the Bottom Edge level.

Glue and Pin Side

The material on the Right Side which would be coming off the Rear of the Stool was slightly long. I Cut and Hemmed this part prior to Gluing and Pinning.

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Refurbished Footstool 2021

Refurbished Footstool 2021

I am going to continue to try and blend my furniture together so I am having a go at this IKEA Footstool. If it goes wrong it doesn’t really matter because I have had it for years and it only cost me 50p in the first place.



Apart from wanting to blend in this Navy Footstool I have another reason for wanting to Cover it. The Zip is broken so I can no longer wash it.

Flip Side


I am not strictly measuring this material it is the one that I that I rejected for the Chaise Longue Curve. I Flip the Cushion and place on the material.

Fold Over


If you look in the above photograph you can see that I haven’t placed the Cushion directly in the Centre. This is because I want to avoid the Mark. 

Sew Bottom


Once Folded over I Sew across the Bottom. As you can probably tell from the above photograph this isn’t going to be fully enclosed. I am having this as a Slip Cover.

Sew Fold Over


Next I Fold Over the Bottom and Sew along the Edge. I repeat this at the Opposite End.

Chaise and Stool

Chaise and Stool together. I think they look rather natty.

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 5

 Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 5

This is the final Part of the Chaise Longue Refurbishment. I am moving on to the Skirt.

Scratch Marks


Oh no I discovered that all the moving has Scratched my new Paintwork.

Permanent Marker


I didn’t want to risk Repainting the Legs with my material flapping around so I did a quick touch up with a Permanent Marker.

Measure Skirt Rear


I measured the material I needed for the Rear and Side Skirt. I am not going along the Full Rear of the Chaise Longue as I don’t want it catching on things.

However I do want it to Cover the Plastic Part so I have to make sure that I have enough material to do so once Hemmed.

Glue Back and Side


Once Hemmed I Glued the material in place. I also added a few Stitches for Strength 

Glue Front


After the Side had dried I started on the Front Skirt. I turned the Chaise Longue on its Rear to make life easier for the Gluing and next step.

Nail Front


I wanted the Chaise to fit in with the Boxes I had already done. So I decided to Hammer Brass Tacks along the Top of the Skirt. This is not only aesthetic but will give added strength for when the Skirt is lifted to fetch items from underneath the Chaise.

Chaise Longue Complete

Voila! The Chaise Longue is now upright and Complete. I added a few more Tacks to help Secure the material around the Front Part Edge. I also placed Tacks where the original Buttons were.

The Skirt isn’t quite as Straight as I would like nor are the Tacks completely even. However the Tacks had to contend with unseen brackets. It may not be perfect but I am exceptionally pleased with my efforts.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 4

 Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 4

A nice short blog this week.

Tabs Together


Remember the Tabs I removed right at the beginning of the project. Well now I am going to Sew them together using a Blanket Stitch.

Glue Rear Panel


I Sewed 16 Tabs together. I then Glued the Rear of the Chaise Longue and placed them En bloc across the Lower Part.

Glue and Patch


I had quite a few Offcuts left so I decided to use the bigger pieces to Patch the Top.

Edge Bottom


I had some Long Strips of material that were from part of the Hem of the Curtains. These were ideal to use as Edging.

Rear Patched

I Sewed another couple of Tabs together this time End to End. This Covered a great deal of the scrappy Patching and made it look neater.