Knitting Doll 2024 Part 5
Have to confess I am not looking forward to writing this Blog. It is trying to split down a task that I do automatically and then stop at try and photograph whilst holding it. If all else fails google Slip Knots.
Pinch Loop
Taking one Tail End I am going to make a Slip Knot. However in order to show you I am having to make it Higher up. Therefore afterwards I will redo it at the correct point.
First form a Loop with the Tail End and Pinch it between Finger and Thumb. After that I Wrapped the Yarn around the Back of the Loop and brought the Tail around. See Photograph.
Double Wrap
I am Creating a Double Loop though it is not strictly necessary. It is helping me keep it in place whilst photographing.
Lift Bottom Loop
Lift the Bottom Loop using either your Finger of a needle. I recommend the Latter. Don’t Catch part of the Yarn like I have done.
Push Through Top
Push the Loop you Have through the Top one.
Pull and Slide
Then pull this Loop firmly then Slide up. This one was made deliberately High up for photographing purposes.
Loop at End
I have redone the Slip Knot. I started it nearer the End of the Cord so I could Slip it into its Correct Position at the End of the Cord.
The Major Problem I found doing this is that normally I do it at speed and often using a knitting Needle. Since doing this I found a Youtube video with a great description.
Here are some more methods of making a Slip Knot
These describe various methods. Not one of which was the one I was taught lol.