Saturday, 8 February 2025

Knitting Doll 2024 Part 3

 Knitting Doll 2024 Part 3

Now for the harder bit - especially to Photograph.

Pull Yarn Taut

The Doll should be facing and have 4 Loops. Take the Yarn Ends and Pull. It needs to be firm but not so Tight as hard to work with or come off.


From this point the work seems to have a mind of its own and can and does at least in my case try and Unravel itself.

Second Round

We are going to create a Second Round of Loops the same way as before. This has to be done One Loop at a Time not a whole Round. Wind the Yarn around the Hoop above the First Loop. This is important.

Crochet Hook Lower

This is where the Crochet Hook, Grip or Needle comes into Play. With the Doll facing you there are now Two Loops. Take the Crochet Hook and gather the Lower Loop.

Lift Over

Next Lift the Loop Up and Over the First one and remove the Crochet Hook. Gently pull the Yarn and it will Disappear into the Centre. This leave The Loop you have just made now on the Bottom.

I have to confess that I did this countless times before I got it right. I either got the Hook Stuck or pulled too hard and the whole thing Unravelled and I had to start from scratch.

All Four Loops

After successfully Creating and Lifting one Loop off I turned the Doll and started on the next Hoop. I continued this process going around and around. 

Though you cannot see it as it is inside the Doll a Chain or Cord is being formed. I carried on until it came out of the Bottom of the Doll and then a couple of extra inches.

To finish the Cord Rethread the Needle. Go through one of the Loops and Lift off pulling as you do so. Go through all Four of the Loops the Secure it by going through the Top of the Cord.

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