Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 3
With two parts done I am moving on to the Front and Curve. I have to admit that the Front part was fine. However the Curve both Sides was a complete pig of a job. This is how I did it minus the cursing.
The Front Flat part was quite simple. I first applied plenty of Glue. This was not only to the Flat part but over the Curved Edges as well.
I Cut a large piece of material roughly shaped and fitted it on to the Flat part. I then smoothed it onto the Edged areas. The rest of the Edge will be Covered whilst doing the Curved area.
for Curve
I was not happy with the first Piece I cut. Not only did it have a Mark right where you can see it but also it didn’t fit as far across as I wanted.
Rather than waste the material I put it aside to use at a later date. If you look at the photograph above you will see that this is before I had Covered the Backboard
After Cutting another Piece which was not only Wider but also more than twice as Long I put it in position. This is so I could see what parts need to be Hemmed. Before I Glued it into position I Covered the Plastic Part with material knowing that this Piece would cover the rough parts.
I could now Glue the Curved Piece into Place. Once done I Tucked the Bottom Part in with the Base.
Side Section Covered
Originally I was going to Cover this in 2 Parts. I was going to have the material go over the Curve and Finish after it Flattened. Then I was going to add a Second Piece down the Side.
Since I had to Recut the material I decided to make it Full Length. I Glued the material on the Curved part and left to dry. I then Glued the lower part. To give extra security I part Sewed it to the Edge.
I must admit I was very pleased how this section turned out.