Thursday, 27 January 2022

Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 3

 Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 3

With two parts done I am moving on to the Front and Curve. I have to admit that the Front part was fine. However the Curve both Sides was a complete pig of a job. This is how I did it minus the cursing.

Glue Front


The Front Flat part was quite simple. I first applied plenty of Glue. This was not only to the Flat part but over the Curved Edges as well.

Cover Front


I Cut a large piece of material roughly shaped and fitted it on to the Flat part. I then smoothed it onto the Edged areas. The rest of the Edge will be Covered whilst doing the Curved area.

Piece for Curve


I was not happy with the first Piece I cut. Not only did it have a Mark right where you can see it but also it didn’t fit as far across as I wanted.

Rather than waste the material I put it aside to use at a later date. If you look at the photograph above you will see that this is before I had Covered the Backboard

Hem Curve


After Cutting another Piece which was not only Wider but also more than twice as Long I put it in position. This is so I could see what parts need to be Hemmed. Before I Glued it into position I Covered the Plastic Part with material knowing that this Piece would cover the rough parts.

Glue Curve

I could now Glue the Curved Piece into Place. Once done I Tucked the Bottom Part in with the Base.

Side Section Covered

Originally I was going to Cover this in 2 Parts. I was going to have the material go over the Curve and Finish after it Flattened. Then I was going to add a Second Piece down the Side.

Since I had to Recut the material I decided to make it Full Length. I Glued the material on the Curved part and left to dry. I then Glued the lower part. To give extra security I part Sewed it to the Edge.

I must admit I was very pleased how this section turned out.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 2

Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 2

Apologies having problems with the text this week for some reason.

I was happy with the Base so now it was time to move on to the next part which is the Backboard.

Piece for Backboard


The Backboard is a little awkward to do as it is all curves. I have decided to make it easier to go over the Plastic part.

Hem Back Piece

I cut out the Material that I needed for the main section and Hemmed the Edges. Unfortunately the Backboard is a funny shape when it meets the Curve so I will have to patch that part.

Glue Back


I spread the Glue all over the Backboard including the parts where the Buttons were.

Glue Top


To make sure that it would stick correctly I put plenty of Glue on the Top Plastic

Back Material


I also Glued the Material over the Back so it wouldn’t flap around.

Trim Excess

I then Trimmed off any excess. As you can see in the above photograph there is still Plastic visible where it meets the Curvature.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 1

 Chaise Longue Chat 2021 Refurbishment Part 1

This is a big job and I am really going to be working it out as I go along. Therefore in the interest of making this comprehensible I shall be tweaking this rather long blog.

Unpick Tabs


Before I could do anything I needed the Material. I had some left from the Boxes. This if you might remember was a pair of Curtains. To maximise the amount of Material that I had to use I first Unpicked the Tabs from the Top.

Size Chaise Base


Next I had to Size the amount of Material required. I wasn’t sure whether to use the Width or the Length of the Material. If I remember correctly I managed to use the Material Width-wise.

Cut to Size


I Sized up the Material. I was using where possible the Original Hems to save time and energy. I had to remember to leave enough Material to go over the Lip of the Base

Cut Base Back


In order to make the Material go around the Base Back I had to Snip it just after the Edge.

Sew Back Base Edge


I didn’t want the Material to Fray so I Sewed the Edge with a Blanket Stitch.

Hem Base Back


Now I had the Edge secure I could continue. The Material at the Back had been from the Top of the Curtains where I had taken out the Tabs. Therefore I had to Rehem that Section before I could continue around the Back Curve and Base End.

Glue Base End


With all the Back of the Material done I could now Glue the Base End and Stick the Material to it and leave it to dry.

Fit Opposite End


In addition to the Base End I had also Glued the Material around the Base Back so the Material could be gently Pulled and Stretched.

I Smoothed out the Material and Tucked the Back Section in between the Base and the Backboard nearly to the End. I could then gauge exactly how much Material was needed to be Hemmed.

Scrub out Glue


Now I had all my measurements and finished Hemming I could do the main Gluing of the Base Top. I pulled back all the Material and bit by bit Glued, Smoothed and Tucked it into place including the Front Edge.

Unfortunately I put too much Glue in one Section so I had to give it a Scrub.

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Chaise Longue Chat 2021

 Chaise Longue Chat 2021

Sometimes you have to leave a project for a while in this case several years. I have posted the link for the last blog on this at the bottom.

Black Legs


Ill health has prevented me from doing really big jobs but I had a spot of energy and decided to crack on with a spot of maintenance whilst I was doing some Glossing.

I turned the Chaise Longue upside down and proceeded to Paint the Legs. Whilst doing this I made a discovery. I had some excess Material on the Base. This gave me an idea.

Cat Scratcher


My dear beloved Cat Electra had passed across the veil quite a few years ago. However evidence of her presence still remained. When she wasn’t using my leg she had decided that my Chaise Longue made a much better Cat Scratcher than the one she already had. Despite my best efforts the Legs and Front had become a Chat Chaise Longue.

Cut Material


I took a pair of Scissors and carefully Cut the Material. I didn’t want to Cut too close or I might end up having to repair the back to.

Partial Covering


I had the Material but unfortunately it wasn’t the correct Shape. Therefore I had to use a Patchwork system to try and cover as much as I could with as few Cuts as possible.

I decided the best way to Cover the damage was to Stick the Material on the area. I used Fabric Glue to place the Pieces on the Front. I sometimes had to manoeuvre these about around the Curves which is why I didn’t use Super Glue

Fully Covered


The above photograph shows the final result. It is not Purrfect by any means. It is however much better than it was before. It has also given me new confidence in trying to recover the entire Chaise Longue.


Link for the first part of the project
