Marionette 2018 Part 6
I try to use my time as best I can so whilst the Arms,
Legs and Body are drying I am moving on to making Hair. I am going to be using
embroidery silks for the Hair.
I take a White Circle that I have hemmed. I find
roughly the centre of the Circle as that will be my starting place. I make a
knot in one end of the thread and push through from the back.
I decide what length I want to make the Loop. I leave
enough thread and then push the needle back through a few millimetres to the
side. I am using my thumb to stop the thread going all the way through.
There are two ways of keeping the thread as a Loop. You
can make a knot in the other end of the thread and cut but this would be very
time consuming.
The method I used was to use a securing tack before
moving on to the next Loop. This method saves both time and thread. After I
have done a row or so I add another Yellow. This will help to mimic shades and
heads Back to Back
The other material is now dry. I pin the Heads back to
back and then sew with a Blanket stitch across the top of the Skull. I then
turn the material the right way around.
Pinned to Head
I now pin but do not sew the White Circle to the top of
the Head. I do this so I can check precisely the shape and where the Hair will
fall once sewn.
I continue adding a few more Loops. I am still keeping
them fairly central. There is a very important reason for this which I will
mention later.
Before I add any more Loops I am going to decrease the
Circle. I fold the material over so it matches the original hem width. I then
pin it in place and sew around. This keeps the shape whilst making the Circle
I have now sewn the Hair to the very top of the Head. I
have added a few more Loops but as you can see in the Photo above I have left a
This gap is important as this indicates where the
string is going to be attached. I want to add a little more Hair along the
outside before I sew in place I am doing it this way because after the Scalp is
completely sewn on it will be harder to push through the extra material.
Hair Attached at Side
After adding more Loops I have continued sewing along
the Circle on both sides. I am leaving the bottom unsewn at this point so that
I can manipulate the thread better.
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