Thursday, 30 March 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 11

 Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 11

I am having problems keeping the Straps even. I need a plan.

Clip Straps Together


I have found out some Stitch Markers and Clipped the Straps together. This way they won’t move. It might not be great as some of the Markers are coming out but it is the best that I can think of at the moment.

Lost a Needle


Ok this is a new one on me. I often Multi-task whilst Knitting this time I was watching a programme. Somehow I have managed to Knit both Straps with the same Needle.

I think it is because one Needle is much longer than the other one. It is a simple fix. I just start Knitting with the other Needle on one of the Straps.



Stop everything. I had an idea last night. I was going to Sew the Straps together. Now I have decided to add a Buckle. Obtained from my friend Laura.

Cast Off


This means that I need to Cast Off one of the Straps. I decide to do the one with the least Wool left to Knit with.

Swap Needle


Since I have been left with the Stitches on the Long Needle I am going to Swap it with the Baby one so I can use it elsewhere.

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 10

 Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 10

Finally on to the Decreasing of the Strap Stitches

Decrease to 28 Stitches


I Decreased the Stitches by 1 either end on the Knit Row.  I then Knitted 28 Purls Stitches. I turned the Bag around and did the same on the other Strap.

End of Decreasing


I changed Straps again then did another Row of Stocking Stitch. I repeated this until I had 20 Stitches left on both Straps

Straps coming along


Once I had 20 Stitches I carried on Knitting. I would Knit a Plain Row on one Strap then swap. I Knitted a Plain Row on the other Strap then Knitted a Purl Row on Both Straps.

The idea was by doing it this way I would keep the Straps even. Needless to say I got engrossed watching a programme and found that I had forgotten to swap. Therefore I had to put both Straps together back to back in order to measure the difference.

I had to add a couple of Rows until they were even again. The use of Stocking Stitch was causing the Straps to Curl. This will be sorted when I add the Backing.

Friday, 17 March 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 9

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 9

Time to tackle the other side.

Using a Needle


Instead of mucking about with Stitch Holders I am going to try using another Needle to take the Stitches Off.

Five at a Time


To make things easier on myself I decided to Knit Five Stitches at a Time. It might be slow going but at least I am not going to Stab myself with a bunch of Stitch Holders.

Three Needles


That being said I now had 3 different Needles in the Bag. One in the big loop. One with the 30 Stitches on and One I am currently Knitting with.

Another 30 Stitches


Finally another 30 Stitches. Next I shall do the Purl Row so it matches the other side. I also need to remove all the Stitch Markers as I don’t need them now.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 8


Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 8

Apologies for the slow going but unfortunately I am still ill. So it is going to be another short blog. I guess it makes it easy to follow though.

Knit off Stitch Holder


I am finally at the point where I can Knit off the Stitch Holder. To match the rest of the Bag I am using Plain Stitch

2 Rows


After the Plain Row I add a Purl one. Now I have 2 Rows with 30 Stitches on it. The fun part will be tackling the other side. If it was anything like this side it is going to take some doing. I may have to come up with another way of doing it.

10 Stitch Interval


Before I can do anymore Knitting I have to find the correct spot to start from. I decided that the best way to find this is to use Stitch Markers. If you remember I had left a long Tail in the middle of my 30 Stitches. I was going to use this as my starting point.

I counted 10 Stitches to the Right and put a Stitch Marker in. I did the same with the Left. I continued counting and Marking until I got to the other side.  I found that I was one Stitch out. I would have to put up with that.

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 7

Autumn Cape Bag 2022 Part 7

It should be simple but it is getting rather complicated.

Third Stitch Holder


Unbelievably I still cannot get the Stitches off and have to add a Third Stitch Holder. This is towards the Front End of the Stitches that I need to remove.

I slide the Forward Stitches onto the Third (Gold) Stitch Holder. Then I can pull the Needle and First (Grey) Stitch Holder back and leave half the Stitches on the Second (Blue) Holder. Finally I can slip the Stitches from the Third Holder to the Second.

15 Stitches


If you could follow all that I now have 15 Stitches on the Blue Stitch Holder. That is half the battle done. At this point I Cut the Wool leaving a long Tail.

Lift off Stitches


I now move onto the second part of Stitches at the other side of the Wool Marker. This is going to be much easier. This is because the Stitches will be the right way for Knitting.

I push the Stitch Holder through the 15 Stitches. I then lift them off with a Needle.

30 Stitches


I have now put the Stitches back on to the Blue Stitch Holder. You can see the End of the Tail in between the two lots of 15 Stitches. This makes 30 Stitches in Total.

After doing all that I need a break before I move onto the next part.