Box Seats 2017 Part 3
I had difficulty finding the material I wanted at the
price I could afford. That was until I had an Idea.
I got these curtains off eBay for under a tenner. The
material is much more than I need for the Box Seats so with a little bit of
luck I will be able to cover something else too.
Large Box Front
I am going to use both measures this time. I have used
the ruler for the Front of the Box as it holds it nicely whilst I measure.
the Sides
When measuring the sides I had to remember to include
the depth of the foam on both sides. The measuring tape was better for this as
it could bend.
out the Material
As you can see in the photograph above I am taking
advantage of the fact that the Curtain Material is already hemmed. This gives
me a nice straight edge to measure from.
Covers Roughly Hemmed
Once cut I hemmed with a simple backstitch around both
pieces of material.
for the Second Hem
After the rough hem was done I re-measured against the
Box Seat to see how much I needed to take in.
Oops on one cover I have cut it a little short
therefore I need to make the second hem as small as possible to keep as much
material as I can. I will let you know how I get on.