Thursday, 9 September 2021

All Steam Ahead 2021 – Mad Hatter Preparations

 All Steam Ahead 2021 – Mad Hatter Preparations

Why do I do these things to myself? The Belt was pretty easy compared to what I have to do next.

Steampunk Hat Base


I had several Ideas regarding how to make the Hat including using card and Foam. However I decided it was far too much to accomplish in the given time just to get the Base.

I therefore went on a Hat Hunting expedition and found what apparently is called a Pork Pie Hat for £1 in a charity shop.

Pool of Glue


Once again I raided Laura’s for both decorations and advice. The latter I promptly ignored. She thought the material was fine as it was saying it looked like leather even though it was plastic she made me laugh by calling it ‘Pleather’.

However I couldn’t abide it as it was so remembering she said that Steampunk was an expression of oneself I decided that I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t cover it. Sorry Laura but you cannot alter a habit of 40 years that easily.

Cotton Cover

So after filling the Top part of the Hat with Glue I covered it with Black Cotton material and smoothed it down. I wanted to keep the Top Shape if I could.

Glue Beneath


It took a while for the Top to dry but once it had I spread the rest of the Hat with Glue. I then Covered it as best I could.

Fold Under


When selecting the material I cut a large piece so there would be enough to Fold Under the Hat.

Beneath Covered


The Front of the Hat was now Covered.

Wrap around

In order to do the Sides of the Hat I had to pull the material taut and do a little bit of Folding. I cut off the Excess and smoothed it down. I now had a fully Covered Hat Base.

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