Thursday, 24 June 2021

Cooper Concoctions 2021 Part 4

 Cooper Concoctions 2021 Part 4

A New item. I am starting using material from the Back of the Cooper Jeans. 

Unpick Pocket


I Unpicked the Pocket when I did all the unpicking.

Unpicked but Pinned


I Pinned the two Pieces together Back to Back. Now I could cut the excess material off and get the shape that I wanted.

Double Pinned


I placed two Pins in the material. One either side of the Pocket Point.

Pocket Point Hemmed


I Hemmed all along the Bottom of the material. I repeated all this procedure with the opposite Pocket.

Pocket Point Back to Back

In order to make sure I Blanket Stitched the two parts together properly I Pinned along the Pockets Double Seam. That way if I had been slightly off with my Hemming it would still match up.

With the thickness of the material my fingers needed a break ready for the really tough part.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Cooper Concoctions 2021 Part 3

 Cooper Concoctions 2021 Part 3

Continuing with my Concoction



Before I can do anything else I have to trim the Edges. Ideally I would prefer to do this with my Pinking Scissors but they have decided to go for a walk.

That is something that often happens. I have so much Craft stuff it is impossible to keep it all in one area. So things get moved around.

Start to Sew


I began to Start Sewing at the Waistband towards the Bottom. I put the material back to back and began to Blanket Stitch. This was very hard work due to the Thickness of the material.

I came to the conclusion that the best thing was to do the Sewing in sections. The part where the two metal circles were back to back was a nightmare. I had to stretch the material so they were slightly off centre to make it work.

Careful with Tear


Even though I had been careful to pull the material when hemming the part with the Tear was a problem and I had to Sew this section more than once.

Leaving Room


After I had finally got the Side Edge finished I could begin on the Waistband itself. I began at the furthest end from the Buttons. This again was hard work due to the thickness of the material. If I had chosen a thinner needle I think it would definitely have snapped.

When I got close to the end I stopped Sewing as I needed to be able to undo the Buttons and turn the Bag back the right way.

Cooper Bag Pocket


I now had my Cooper Bag. It isn’t quite square but I think that is part of the charm of hand-made items.

Cooper Button Back


In the above photograph you can see the Button Side. I had toyed with the idea of Sewing right up to the Button at the Top.

However I decided against the idea not only because of the difficulty of Sewing (this would be three layers of material because of the fold) but also it would be harder to put larger items into the bag if I did so.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Cooper Concoctions 2021 Part 2

 Cooper Concoctions 2021 Part 2

I have now Unpicked all the Seams and can start working on making something out of the Material

Cooper Rebutton

I was outside whilst I was making this and the wind was picking up. I decided to Rebutton the material so one half didn’t blow away.

Resew Below Buttons


Next I decided to Sew Below the Buttons but not quite to the Bottom. You might wonder why I bothered to Unpick it in the first place if I was only going to Resew.

The reason is simple. Until I have Unpicked the Material I cannot always tell what pieces are real and what are false. I also needed to know how they joined together.

Cooper Bottom Pinned

 I have now Pinned the section I want to Hem at the Bottom of the material. I have also trimmed the loose material on the Pocket. The Pocket itself had to be removed as there was a hole in it that wasn’t worth trying to mend.

Pin and Hem


I Hemmed the Bottom of the Material then Pinned the Sides.

Hemmed Edge


I had to mend the Tear in the material that I made whilst Unpicking. So I had to make sure that I included that in the Hem.

Secure Pocket


Continuing Hemming up the side I came to the Pocket. I had to Secure the Opening by Sewing along the Curve. 

Hem Side

I am not quite sure how I have done this but I seemed to have reversed the photograph. In this one I have Hemmed the Side and Secured the Pocket.

However because of the way it was originally made this gives a very small Pocket that is still usable.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Cooper Concoctions 2021

 Cooper Concoctions 2021

I am often given material in various forms by people as they know I do a great deal of Crafting. On this occasion it was a pair of Cooper Jeans. So what to do with them. 

Cooper Front


The Jeans looked pretty much okay from the Front. There only seemed to be a few marks here and there.

Cooper Back


Ah I have got to the Bottom of the problem. This was obviously a tear that couldn’t be patched.

Thick Needle


The first thing I did was to Cut off the Legs as they would only get in the way. I then found a Thick Needle as I knew that going through Denim would be hard work. I also sorted through my Cottons for some Threads of a decent Colour.

Unpick Cooper


I Unpicked all the Seams. As you can imagine this took some time. Unfortunately also whilst doing this the Unpicker occasionally slipped and torn the material.

I carried on Unpicking but I would have to sort these Tears out or they might end up running and making the material unusable.