Thursday, 27 June 2019

From Summer to Santa Memories 2019 Part 2

From Summer to Santa Memories 2019 Part 2

This blog is about a Yule Project I did many moons ago. Once again there is a lack of photographs.

I decided to make a couple of Santa Stockings. One for my Goddaughter and one for her Brother. These would be named so no squabbling over whose Stocking was whose unlike with the store bought Stockings.

Shannon Santa Stocking

Firstly the material. The colour scheme was easy as I went with the traditional Red and White. I had some Red Silky material which I used as the base.

I cut out a cardboard template. I drew around this then flipped it over so it was doubled. I really wish I had a photograph of how it was place on the material. I had angled it so as much of the material was already joined together so there was less to sew up.

Bradley Santa Stocking

I was unsure of how the Letters would be placed when the material was Sewn so I only part sewed the Stocking. That way I had room to get my hand in to add the Lettering.

This was Embroidered with Gold Metallic Thread. I also added a few stars to the Stockings. I then finished sewing up the Stocking with my usual Blanket Stitch

I then added a Loop to the Back of the Stocking and a Fluffy White Edging around the Top. There we have it two named Stockings already to be filled with presents.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

From Summer to Santa Memories 2019 Part 1

From Summer to Santa Memories 2019 Part 1

It is amazing what you find when you have a sort out. I came upon a couple of projects that I had completely forgotten about. These are projects that I did before I had even heard of the word Blog. Therefore I apologise for lack of Photographs

The first project is a Fire Starter Kit I made for a friend’s Birthday. She was in to back to nature, woodlands and pre-modern inventions.

Fire Starting Kit

As you can see this in the above picture this is the finished item. The material was sourced locally. I needed one thick Branch, two long Twigs, some String, Drill and Sandpaper.

First of all I stripped the Twigs of their Bark. This gave them a chance to dry out a little. The Twigs were Willow but I am not sure what the Branch was made of.

I then marked three section where I was going to bore (for different sized Twigs). I selected a Drill Bit slightly larger than the Rubbing Twig. I Drilled down so far which was not easy as Branches tend to roll. I then changed Drill Bits and laying the Horizontally I began to remove the Wood at the Side to make a Notch.

I then smoothed out the Notches with the Sandpaper. I then strung the Horizontal Twig so it could be used as a Bow. I had to leave a little slack so it could be wound around the Vertical Twig in a Loop.

It was then ready to use. I got some dry material put it in the Bore Hole and started to use the Bow. The material started smouldering so I pulled it out on to other dried material and gently blew on the Embers until the Fire took hold.

Thus one ready to use Fire Starter Kit. I was quite impressed until I asked my then boyfriend if this was what he had used in the Army? He replied ‘No we used matches’. I walked right into that one.

The link below shows a similar Kit.

I dedicate this Blog to Karl who sadly passed away ten years ago.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Headscarves Expansion 2019 Part 3

I have now reached the final furlong of the sewing part of this project.

Snip the Edging

I Snipped off some of the excess material at an angle so it didn’t get caught in the thread when I sewed.

Fold Back Edging

I Folded the Edging back on itself. I then began to sew it in place using a Tacking Stitch. This is to strengthen the thread holding the Edging in place.

To make the Tacking look neat I interwove the thread between the other Stitches. This method gives the appearance that a Back Stitch was used.

Fleur de Lys Back Complete

Once finished I trimmed off the excess material above the Stitches.

Fleur de Lys Front Complete

All that was left to do was give it a final press.

Rose Back Complete

Naturally since I was Edging one Headscarf I decided that I might as well do the other one at the same time.

Rose Front Complete

I now have two newly Edged Headscarves ready for the Summer Season.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Headscarves Expansion 2019 Part 2

Headscarves Expansion 2019 Part 2

I am continuing my blog on adding Edging to my Fleur de Lys Headscarf

First Corner Edging

I continue with my Tacking Stitch until I reach the First Corner

Pinching Corner

I have two options. One I could cut the Edging at an angle and sew or the secondly I could Fold the Excess material. I opted for the latter.

This option is a little fiddly. The best way to describe the Folding process is that the material is being Pinched.

First Corner Edging Front

The Pinching method means that the Edging does not lie completely Flat. Normally this would be problematic. However since the Headscarf is Folded when worn it simply falls into place.

Final Corner

I have now reached the Final Corner. I cut the Edging leaving at least an inch and a half to finish off.

Fold Back and Secure

In order not to have the excess material flapping around I Fold it back and Secure it with a couple of Stitches.

Hem Edge of Edging

This Fold creates an Edge. I then simply put the two Edges together and Hem the last Corner.