Thursday, 22 February 2018

More Crafting Odds and Sods – Past and Present

More Crafting Odds and Sods – Past and Present

Over the years I have had go at various crafts. I decided a while ago I would try and keep a record of what things I have created. Unfortunately since a few were presents and I had no camera at the time some are forever lost.

However a few of my friends have kindly supplied me with a few photos. Here are a few things that haven’t been included in previous blogs.

Braids 2018


I have a Medieval Braid Wheel and last month I was showing a few friends how to make Braids. Afterwards I carried on making Braids using odd bits of wool and donated them to Ophelia Originals as tags. -

Teapot Cross-Stitch 2017

This Cross-Stitch was a pattern in a magazine bought by my mother for me. Therefore I decided to make it for her. I think it came out quite well

Pretentious Pyrography 2012 Front View
Photograph Copyright Chris Johnson

This is a joke present known as a Pretentious Stick. The Large P stands for Pretentious and the Bow and Arrow motif stands for Robin Hood

Pretentious Pyrography 2012 Back View
Photograph Copyright Chris Johnson

This was made to commemorate a talk given at Nottingham Empyrean. -

Pyrography for Yule

I cannot exactly remember when this was made. It was a Pyro graphed wheel of the year for a group to use as a religious platter.

Knaughty Knitwear
Photograph Copyright Daniel Homes

This was another joke present made for a friends 21st Birthday. I believe that this was my first ever attempt at knitting an item without a pattern.

Woollen Willy Warmer
Photograph Copyright Daniel Holmes

As you can see I knitted this in his favourite colour – purple and embroidered both sides. My only regret is that I was unable to get a photo of his face when he opened his gift.

I still have quite a few items that I would like to get photos of so if any of my friends have any please send them to me.

Thanks to Chris and Daniel for sending in the photos and giving me permission to use them.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Two Tone Blue Beret 2018 -Chock full of mistakes

Two Tone Blue Beret 2018 -Chock full of mistakes
As you know by now when I write a craft blog I try to include all the mistakes I have made and how I overcame them. Well this blog is full of blunders.

Two Tone Blue Beret Underneath

On a trip to my favourite wool shop Knit Nottingham
I purchased some more wool – no surprise there. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough in either colour I liked so I thought why not knit a Two Toned Beret for a change.

Two Tone Blue Beret Mistake

The wool shades in question were called Petrol (main colour) and Kingfisher (Rib colour). I have found the last few Berets I made have been wrong on the stitch count but not as bad as this one. Instead of being flat this one looks – well I will leave that to your imagination.

Two Tone Blue Beret Corrected

I unravelled quite a few rows and tried to compensate – it still isn’t right but far better than before. I worked out where I had been going wrong. Instead of counting how many decreases I was supposed to do on each row I decreased to the end. This led to losing stitches and having to compensate.

Two Tone Blue Gloves

The last pair of gloves I made was uncomfortably tight. It was like the thumbs were in the wrong places. When I got to the thumbs on this set I could have kicked myself. As with the Beret I had just gone on my merry way instead of Checking The Pattern!

There is more than one way to add stitches KFB (Knit through front and back of loop) and M1 (Make a stitch by picking one up). I hadn’t checked which it one it was. Therefore I didn’t have enough stitches in the right place.

Two Tone Blue Scarf

I had no technical problems with this scarf. I started with the Petrol then added Kingfisher then carried on with the Petrol. The Scarf is a little shorter than I would like so hopefully I will pick up some more wool the next time. I would prefer more Kingfisher but Petrol will do.

Blue Brooch

Since I had more Petrol than Kingfisher I used that to make the Brooch. I may make one in Kingfisher if I get some of that to finish the Scarf.

Purple Bamboo Cotton Brooch

Whilst I was sorting out some craft stuff I came across something I had completely forgotten. I had knitted a Purple Brooch in Bamboo Cotton a long while ago and had put it aside, with the bead tin at hand I finished this one off too.

Hopefully the next time I knit one of these sets I will remember to Check the Pattern!


I ended up making an unexpected trip to Nottingham Bus Station to retrieve my mobile phone which had fallen out of my pocket on the bus. So whilst there I took the opportunity to nip into my favourite shop.

Unfortunately after Eleanor rang the suppliers we discovered that the Kingfisher has now been discontinued. Therefore the Scarf will have to be finished in Petrol Blue.

So now I have to wait for it to come into stock and be posted to me. On the bright side I have bought additional wool to carry on with my ever growing collection of Beret, Scarf and Glove sets.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Autumn Cape A Long Term Project - Inside Toggles Part 2

Autumn Cape A Long Term Project - Inside Toggles
Part 2

The Toggles I ordered have now arrived so I can carry on with the inside fixings.

Daytime Toggle Pinned and Looped 

I pinned the Rib Bottom together and then proceeded to Loop around the Toggle already sewn from last time. This meant that I had a secure point to work from.

Inside Daytime 4 Toggles Pinned

Next I looked where the Loops fell and placed the Toggles in the corresponding area and marked with pins.

Inside Daytime 4 Toggles Sewn

I then began to sew the Toggles in place. Each time I finished sewing one I put the Loop around it to make the next one easier.

Inside Night Time 4 Toggles Sewn

Once I completed the Daytime side I repeated the process with the Night Time side.

Now you might be wondering why only 4 inside Toggles have been sewn when there are 6 Loops? This is because the 5th Loop on the outside is very near the armpit. I think it would be very uncomfortable to have a Toggle here on the inside so therefore I will have to come up with something a little different.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Yule Presents 2017 Continued

Yule Presents 2017 Continued

I have several lovely friends that are coincidentally in the same craft group so I thought I would like to make something crafty, personal and useful.

I had one of ‘my bright ideas’ which generally means it is okay in theory but could do with several months extra in which to make. Therefore I haven’t taken pictures as I have gone along but I will try and give you the idea.

The craft group is called The Witches’ Stitches. The presents are for three lovely ladies and two handsome gents. Ladies first -

Moira’s Yule Present Front 2017

I made these gifts simultaneously so they are in no particular order. I am making bags complete with zips using the Cross–Stitch technique on Aida Fabric. The bags are embroidered both sides with the group name on and are large enough to encompass long Knitting Needles.

Moira’s Yule Present Back 2017 

Although the lettering is the same each bag is unique to the person it is meant for. Moira is a White Witch and renowned Author so what could be better than a bell, BOOK and candle design complete with a pentagram.

Cayt’s Yule Present Front 2017

Cayt who set up the group is organised. She is a very cheerful person and is often sporting colourful clothing so bright colours were a must.

Cayt’s Yule Present Back 2017

She is also is a gardener. Therefore I felt that it would be nice to have a bit of Ivy clambering around the lettering.

Julia’s Yule Present Front 2017

Although Julia is a Crochet Demon rather than a Knitter I thought it would be nice to have the bag the same size as the other girls.

Julia’s Yule Present Back 2017

When I first met Julia she was often in flowing ethnic or tie die kind of clothes. Therefore I thought I would do a myriad of colours to go with her sparkling personality. Ye Gods never let me have an idea like that again

Now for the lads presents. Both the men do Cross Stitch so I made the bags shorter but deeper than the ladies. With luck they should be able to get a small hoop inside. This time the material used for the bag is felt and the Aida is sewn on top otherwise the small needles would fall through. Rather than using a zip this time I have used strong Velcro.

Tim’s Yule Present 2017 

After consultation with Cayt as to what colours Tim liked I decided on a blue background. I did wash the felt first because I didn’t want to risk the colour bleeding onto the White Aida.

I have tried to keep the pattern simple with a few of his gardening tools on. By sheer coincidence when I began to add the ribbon I had bought I noticed it said Merry Christmas.

Matt’s Yule Present 2017 

With the information from Julia that her Fiancé likes Tartan I proceeded to go with that theme. I think the ribbon used was definitely in the Festive mood because it just would not go on straight. – Sorry about that Matt!

Since Matt is musically inclined I add a few notes then went on to wash and press all the gifts ready for wrapping. Merry Yuletide 2017 folks!

If you want to know more about Moira’s work follow the link below