Thursday, 31 March 2022

Nott’s County Hat 2022 – The Problem with Pom-Poms

 Nott’s County Hat 2022 – The Problem with Pom-Poms

Making Pom-Poms for the Hat proved more difficult than I thought.

12cm Diameter


The Pattern said that I needed a 12cm Diameter Ring. Personally I thought that this was rather on the Large side but I went with it.

Finding Centre


After drawing and Cutting out the first Circle (I needed 2) I had to find the Centre. I was a bit tired so it took me a couple of goes. I did this by finding the halfway mark and drawing across then turning it 180 degrees and doing the same.

By measuring across the Quarter you can tell if you are equal. As you may realise I didn’t have a protractor at hand. I then found something smaller (see above photo) to use to make the inner Circle.

Circle and Slit


I am trying a New Method this time. I usually Cut Out 2 complete Rings and use those. This time I am adding a Slit. Apparently this makes it Faster and Easier to Wind the Yarn

Off at End

I am not sure I like this New Method. I am finding that the Yarn is slipping off the End. I keep having to Push it back On. Also I am finding that the Winding is not so evenly spread.

Off Again


Oh for heaven’s sake it keeps happening. I don’t know if it is because this is my first attempt or the Slit is too big. In either case I am not impressed.

Hat and Pom-Pom


I finally managed to get the Pom-Pom done. I tied the Yarn around the Centre in between the Cards pulled tight and Knotted. Then it looked a little uneven so I Trimmed it.

However when I tried to Sew it to the Hat it flopped about all over the place. It was ludicrously big. I tried giving it a really good hair cut but to no avail. I was going to have to start again.

Hat Completed


In the end I made 3 Pom-Poms of various sizes. The latter 2 I did using my usual method and they came out much better. Whether the Size was written incorrectly or because the Patten was a Ladies Hat I’m not sure.

I think next time I will just do it my way. At least it looks good with the Smaller Pom-Pom Sewn on and Danny was very happy with it.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Nott’s County Hat 2022

 Nott’s County Hat 2022

This blog is a follow on from the Nott’s County Scarf 2022

Black and White


I have a habit of over buying Yarn. My principle is I would rather have too much than too little. There is nothing worse than running out and not to be able to match the dye lot.

Hat Pattern


Since Covid hit we are unable to return unused Yarn. Therefore I asked Danny if he would like a Hat to go with his Scarf. He replied in the affirmative and therefore we went Pattern hunting.

It was amazing how difficult it was to find a simple Mans Beanie Pattern. In the end I bought a ladies one and would have to adjust as I went along.

Ribbed Stripe


My first adjustment was the Needle Size. I needed to make the Hat big enough for a Man. Since I didn’t want to muck about with the Stitches as it was a Ribbed Pattern I went up a Size and Knitted quite Loosely.

I was so intent on adding the first Stripe that I forgot to change Needles again. I didn’t realise until I had done that until the second Stripe. With this in mind I decided the best thing to do was to keep trying it against my boyfriend’s head.



I tried to keep the Stripes equal in Width whilst Decreasing. I decided to end with a Black Stripe to match the Bottom.

Hat Knitted

Once Knitted I had to Sew it up. I made a slight mistake Sewing up as I forgot to Reverse it on the Bottom for when it is Folded. Now I had to make a Pom-Pom. That is another story.

Pattern and Wool from Button Moon

Friday, 18 March 2022

Nott’s County Scarf 2022 - Tassels

 Nott’s County Scarf 2022 - Tassels

It is a long time since I have added Tassels to anything. First thing to sort was the Colour. After checking the Nottingham County Football Club site I discovered the Tassels are White not Black.

6.5 Inches


I needed a decent amount of Yarn for the Tassels. I found an old Chalk Board. I turned it on its side and the length was 6.5 Inches.

Wound Yarn


I wound the Yarn around the Board in Strands of 4 until I reached the End.

Cut Along Edge


I cut along the Edge of the Board so I now a group of pieces of Yarn ready for use.

Hook through Back


I don’t Crochet but I do have a couple of Hooks I use for jobs like this. I pushed the Hook through from the Back of the Scarf.

Add Yarn to Hook


I took 2 of the Strands folded them and placed them on the Hook

Pull Yarn through


I gently pulled the Hook through the Knitting making sure that the Yarn didn’t slip off. This made a Loop.

Thread Ends Through

I then slipped the 4 Strands through the Loop keeping them even.

Pull Tight


Next I Pulled the Loop Tight. I then repeated the process on the other End. I continued this process working towards the Centre. Then I trimmed up the Ends to make sure they were all even.

Danny Scarf

All that was left was to model it. Here is Danny wearing the Scarf. It is a slightly older style but the Length looks good on him and it is very warm. He seems very happy with his Christmas Present and that in the end is the whole point of Hand Knitted Gifts.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Nott’s County Scarf 2022

 Nott’s County Scarf 2022

Sometimes I don’t pick projects sometimes they are picked for me. This is one of the cases when my boyfriend Danny decided he wanted me to Knit him a Nottingham County Football Scarf for Christmas.



I had some Black Yarn from another project so started Knitting. I am not sure of the needle size as using the pair of wooden ones I had been given. I needed big Needles as the wool was Super Chunky.

However when I visited the shop in my hometown I discovered that they didn’t do the same Yarn in White. Now my Football knowledge isn’t great but I do know the colour scheme. I had to rethink.

Stylecroft Special


After a scout around and discussion with the owner we plumped for a Yarn called Stylecroft Special. The Yarn was not as Chunky so I now had to change Needles.

Garter Stitch


The Needle size was now a 6mm. I began to cast on and start Knitting a Garter Stitch. This particular Stitch was decided on when I explained the tendency for Stocking Stitch to Curve inwards.

Not long enough


I had tried with a various number of Stitches and finally decided that 30 was the right amount. Now I had to check the Length. I had decided that it wasn’t long enough.

I asked my boyfriend how he actually wanted it and he said like a square. I added more rows until I thought it looked right. I folded it Diagonally and lo and behold I had had Knitted an exact Square.

Add White


With the Black Square done I could now add the White Yarn.

Add Black

Now I could really see the Pattern emerging. I began to add the Black Yarn again and then repeated the Colour Scheme until it was long enough. My boyfriend is 6ft 2 so I decided a short Scarf would look ridiculous.

Since it had to end on a Black Square the Scarf ended up being approximately 7ft.

Sew Tails

I cast off the Yarn and then I had to turn my attention to the Tails and Sew them in so it looked neat. My next job will be making the Tassels.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Refurbished Mini Footstool 2021 Part 2

 Refurbished Mini Footstool 2021 Part 2

The next bit was a little difficult and I was tooing and froing but hopefully I can get the photographs in a reasonable order.

Problem Material


I have accidentally cut the Rear Material Short. Not only that I have managed to snip a hole in it too. I made a Short as possible Hem.

Rear of Stool


When Gluing in place I had to really pull the Material down to the Edge. I also Sewed it at the Bottom of the Hem to the Stool to Secure it.

Remove Excess


As I have had to pull the Material around to Cover the Back I had to Cut off Some Excess Material

Glue and Pin Rear


If you look at the above photograph of one of the Sides you will see that the Right Hand Side is quite full. However on the opposite side which is coming from the Rear it is almost Vertical.

Sew to Secure


After Gluing the extremely Short Fold I Secured it by Sewing.

Mini Footstool


I now have a finished Mini Footstool that just needs to dry a little more.

Upholstered Set


I now have an Upholstered Set of Chaise Longue, a Footstool and a Mini Footstool.