Friday, 19 October 2018

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 4

Mademoiselle Marionette 2018 Part 4

I am leaving the Legs for now and moving on to the Arms.

Arm 1st Rough Cut Out

As I did with the Legs I drew a rough outline for the Arm and cut out. You might have observed that with the Arm I have given extra un-hemmed material to one side.

Marionette Arm Template

I then used the 1st arm as a Template. This was a little more difficult to match up due to the extra material. I have double pinned it to make sure it didn’t move.

2nd Rough Arm Drawn

I got the 2nd Arm drawn and ready for cutting out. However I did notice when I removed some of the pins that they had been bent by trying to go through so much material.

I wonder if I should keep them for pinning around corners?

Hand Sewn

Next I took the 1st Arm and sewed it from the beginning of the shoulder to the Hand which I had snipped around. I again used Blanket stitch and secured as with the Legs

Pushed with Scissors

Due to the small gap in which to turn the material I used my scissors to push through.

Warning if using scissors you need to be very gentle or you may go through the material. I should have found my bamboo stick but it is very hot and I was being lazy.

Hand Slip Up

Disaster! Whilst cutting out the 2nd Hand I slipped with the scissors. I took a large section out. I had to decide whether to try and start the whole process again or try and repair it as I went along.

Hand Repair

Due to the time restraint I felt I had no option but to carry on. In order to stop the rest of the Hand fraying I bent over the hem at an angle and Blanket stitched it. I only hope that I have
Caught the problem in time and it will hold.

Hands Side by Side

In the above photograph you can see the difference in the shape of the Hands.

Arms Hemmed

With the precarious nature of the Hands I decided I better start hemming the other side of the material. That way I could secure it better at the Wrist.

Arms Excess Material

I hemmed up to the start of the Upper Arm on both pieces. This is because I wanted to check the length. If I didn’t do a rough measure the Marionette would have Arms as long as an Orangutan.

Arm 2nd Hem Pinned

I levelled off the material and then checked the width. Obviously Arms are not as wide as compared to Legs. Therefore it was my intention to make a second hem to reduce the material.

Arm 2nd Hem Tacked

I had pinned the 2nd hem in place and then put a few tacking stitches in a few places. This will allow me some wriggle room but without having to hold the hem down.

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