Thursday, 25 November 2021

Clay-time Playtime 2021 Part 5

 Clay-time Playtime 2021 Part 5

Now I have the Base and Outside Edge done I can move on to the Inside.

Adding Blue


As you probably realise by now I am trying to emulate an Ocean theme. Therefore I selected a Deep Blue to begin filling in between the Starfish Arms.

Blue Bottom


Once more into the deep dear friends once more. I finished the Bottom of the Dish and now had to decide what to do next.

Two Blue


I had to consider the amount of Deep Blue Varnish that I had left. I hit upon the idea of using a lighter Blue to give the effect of the Water being of different Depths.

It work great I was really pleased how it turned out although it was touch and go whether I had enough Varnish to finish it.

Splash of Orange


I did a spot of research on the Internet and never realised how many different types of Starfish there were. I had a whole variety of colours to choose from but in the end after sorting through the Varnish I decided to stick with the traditional Orange.

Star Base


As you can see in the above photograph the Starfish really stands out against the Two Blues. To enhance the illusion of Depth I added a little extra Yellow to the Rim.

With this added it almost gives it a Rock Pool look. The next step is to go over the whole Dish and give touch ups and where necessary scrape a little Varnish off where it had Splashed on the Shells.

Bathroom Tidy

The moment of truth. Here are my lotions nestled neatly inside my Dish. I did have to move them around several times to get the right order but it was well worth it.


Since making the Tidy I have been given a whole load of new Face and Bath products which I cannot fit in. However it was nice while it lasted and I am sure I will soon be able to whittle the products down so they will fit once more.

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