Autumn Cape 2016 A long Term Project Part 4
Time for an assessment. I have now finished one complete page of A4.
A4 Written Chart 60 Rows
Since I have only been translating the knit rows this is the equivalent to 60 rows (30 Knit and 30 Purl). I have found the way I have designed the Written Chart with Coloured Numbers a great way to keep track of what colour changes are needed.
However 1 snag is I found that at times I had more colour changes than boxes and therefore ran out of room to write them down. This means on my next A4 page I must make the boxes smaller to accommodate this.
Coloured Pictorial Chart Design 30 Rows
In the photograph above you can clearly see the point when I began to make the colours bolder. This was a definite improvement to the first section. However I found unless I kept sharpening the pencils the colours tended to run into one another.
In order to combat this on the last few rows I began marking the edges of the colour changes. This made a huge saving in time when I was transferring it to the Written Chart.
Autumn Cape Back Rows 1 to 60
This is what the Back piece looks like at present. As you can see the pattern is beginning to emerge. One thing that I haven't yet worked out is for some reason I keep losing stitches. I believe this happens when I have added a new piece of wool and because it is not as yet completely fastened it slips out. My solution is to leave slightly longer tails. Hopefully that way if my contention is correct it should solve the problem.
The other result of the loss and re-addition of stitches means that the pattern I transcribed and the pattern I ended up with isn't quite the same. Annoyingly this means that in places I have bits of trunk and bough in the middle of nowhere. A bit of embroidery after it is finished should mask it.
Width of Back Approx 60 cm
With 124 stitches (more or less) it works out roughly 60 cm wide. This includes the selvedge so it will lose a little in the sewing up.
Length of Back Approx 19 cm
The Length is roughly 19 cm. The above ruler is 15 cm. The photo didn't come out to well which I put down to lack of tea! Now I have both length and width measurements I can calculate how the finished back section will look. I also have a better idea of the amount of different coloured wool I will use. Might need another trip to Knit Nottingham.
Autumn Cape Bobble Texture
One completely unsolicited thing I found was the texture of the knitted piece. With the constant change of colours and consequently the amount of ends I have to sew in it has created an uneven texture.
Frankly this is an unexpected bonus as I think it makes the effect of the leaves more realistic and gives the whole piece a more rustic look.
Next job more colouring in : )
Time for an assessment. I have now finished one complete page of A4.
A4 Written Chart 60 Rows
Since I have only been translating the knit rows this is the equivalent to 60 rows (30 Knit and 30 Purl). I have found the way I have designed the Written Chart with Coloured Numbers a great way to keep track of what colour changes are needed.
However 1 snag is I found that at times I had more colour changes than boxes and therefore ran out of room to write them down. This means on my next A4 page I must make the boxes smaller to accommodate this.
Coloured Pictorial Chart Design 30 Rows
In the photograph above you can clearly see the point when I began to make the colours bolder. This was a definite improvement to the first section. However I found unless I kept sharpening the pencils the colours tended to run into one another.
In order to combat this on the last few rows I began marking the edges of the colour changes. This made a huge saving in time when I was transferring it to the Written Chart.
Autumn Cape Back Rows 1 to 60
This is what the Back piece looks like at present. As you can see the pattern is beginning to emerge. One thing that I haven't yet worked out is for some reason I keep losing stitches. I believe this happens when I have added a new piece of wool and because it is not as yet completely fastened it slips out. My solution is to leave slightly longer tails. Hopefully that way if my contention is correct it should solve the problem.
The other result of the loss and re-addition of stitches means that the pattern I transcribed and the pattern I ended up with isn't quite the same. Annoyingly this means that in places I have bits of trunk and bough in the middle of nowhere. A bit of embroidery after it is finished should mask it.
Width of Back Approx 60 cm
With 124 stitches (more or less) it works out roughly 60 cm wide. This includes the selvedge so it will lose a little in the sewing up.
Length of Back Approx 19 cm
The Length is roughly 19 cm. The above ruler is 15 cm. The photo didn't come out to well which I put down to lack of tea! Now I have both length and width measurements I can calculate how the finished back section will look. I also have a better idea of the amount of different coloured wool I will use. Might need another trip to Knit Nottingham.
Autumn Cape Bobble Texture
One completely unsolicited thing I found was the texture of the knitted piece. With the constant change of colours and consequently the amount of ends I have to sew in it has created an uneven texture.
Frankly this is an unexpected bonus as I think it makes the effect of the leaves more realistic and gives the whole piece a more rustic look.
Next job more colouring in : )