Today I was reminded of an old sociological experiment I
did once. The Experiment was brought about by a certain person's
attitude. Being young and fancy free (yes I was young once) I and a
friend used to go out to the pubs and clubs. Being younger than I am
I felt a certain amount of responsibility for the said friend.
Therefore I always ensured that I did not consume the same amount of
Alcohol as she did. In addition to that I had at that time quite a
high tolerance level to Alcohol. Whether I could do it nowadays I
cannot say but if somebody will foot the bill I don't mind trying : )
Unfortunately my friends tolerance was not as great as
mine was and believe me it showed. I won't go into detail but I
assure you many a time I have not so much walked her home as half
carried. As for beer goggles they were more like beer binoculars.
This scenario carried on for many months and eventually I got fed up
with it. I decided that for once she could be the carer and I would
be the drunken patient.
With this end in mind and her being duly warned I
intended to show her exactly what I had been putting up with for
months. Funny enough she didn't seem to like the result for some
reason. Maybe she was being a bit biased.
After drinking a very great deal of Alcohol I believe
her first real problem to deal with was the fight that never was. A
group of lads were annoying me so if I remember correctly I
threatened to sort them out. I never got the chance however as she
dragged me away somewhat hurriedly to my mind cannot imagine why.
Next she swears blind to this day that I jumped (yes
jumped) from the top of the flight of stairs to the bottom landing
feet first like a cat. Not bad in high heels methinks. Then again
according to her I stood bolt upright and marched past the open
mouthed Bouncers with a toss of my head and a comment that I wanted
some fresh air. Well those places were very hot and smoky in those
days before the cigarette ban.
Still under my own steam I continued through town
only stopping to examine a pizza that somebody had thoughtfully left
for me but I was again dragged away before I could eat any. She
really was being a bit of a pain. Wasn't I allowed any fun at all?
Well if I wasn't able to eat, drink or dance anymore I
might as well toddle off home. This led to a slight error in
navigation. I was walking in a perfectly straight line when out of
nowhere a wall jumped out in front of me. Honest to whatever deity
you believe in. One moment it was to the side of me and then whoosh
it appeared in front of me. Well obviously walking at a brisk pace
there was no way I could avoid it.
I admit the next bit is slightly hazy but for the first
time in my life I think I managed a somersault. I was upright before
it snuck up into my way and I went over it toot sweet. However I
didn't appear to break stride and continued onwards. I carried on
chatting to my friend only to find that she was no longer with me.
She was standing by the lamppost opened mouthed for some reason. We
were only five minutes away from my residence and after some slight
altercation with the moving keyhole we were back.
Next time I saw her she threatened never to go out with
me again if I was going to drink like that. I replied why not after
all she does it all the time and isn't fun. She replied no it wasn't
and apparently went off the booze a bit for some accountable reason.
I didn't see her drunk again for at least six months. At least when
she was with me at any rate.
The reason for this trip down memory lane is I wondered
what would happen these days if I tried The Experiment again. This
time over a larger number of people and a longer period of time. It
is often said that people do not see themselves as others see them.
Well what if they could. The Mirroring Technique can be very useful
in certain circumstances..It is a learning tool as many people find
it easier to perform at task if somebody shows them rather than have
it verbally explained.
Now there are as you know individuals that drive you
crazy. Often friends, family members or colleagues do things that you
know perfectly well they wouldn't do in other situations so why do
they think it is acceptable to you. For example have you ever had a
sandwich or a drink and they have come along and helped themselves
without asking? I am sure you have; you may have even done it
yourself. Would they think it was acceptable to go into their bosses
office and eat their lunch or cross a restaurant and take food off
another patrons plate? I doubt it very much.
I am not talking about teasing here that is a different
thing altogether. I am talking about sheer lack of common courtesy or
total thoughtlessness. How would they feel if they were on the
receiving end? I wonder lets find out. I am proposing an experiment
for say a month where I behave to people like they do to me. I am not
starting it yet as I think fair warning should be given. Now the
question is do you think that you are going to be okay as it won't
affect you or do you need warning?
Watch this space.