Draught Excluder 2019 - Part 17
My Bunny is coming along nicely. However I have spotted
Where the Legs are attached I have noticed that the
Velcro is coming away from the Body. I am going to mend this before it gets
and legs
I have now mended the Velcro and have added the Back
Legs. I will need to add Velcro for the Front legs at some point but I don’t
want things getting in the way when I am doing the Head.
Bunny Head
Before I can move on I need to Stuff the Bunny Head. I
open the two flaps out and begin to Stuff it. I am using a mixture of Cloth and
Stuffing to fill it.
Head on Body
I keep Slipping the Head onto the Body from time to time.
This is to check how it is looking. I then take it off again and keep on
filling. I want it snug but not busting out.
Once I am satisfied that it is full enough I need to make
sure that I have the Head at the right angle. This is why I have put the Back
Legs on.
With the Legs added I can see the position the Head is in
relation to the Body. I adjust the Head then Pin the Front to the Body.
After Pinning the Front I turn to the Back of the Head
and Pin that in place. It is now ready for Sewing.
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