Thursday, 5 October 2017

Autumn Cape 2017 A long Term Project Hood Extension Part 4

Autumn Cape 2017 A long Term Project Hood Extension Part 4

Autumn Cape Hood Extension Start

This is how the Extension looks at present. It might seem a bit peculiar as it is sideways on.
Pick up Stitches For Middle Extension

I have decided rather than knit separately and sew on I shall pick up stitches. I start with picking up 4 stitches. I am using the same size circular needle 5 mm only this one is made of bamboo.

There is no particular reason for using this type of needle it is the only 5mm one I had left. One problem with it is that it has a very short length on it so hopefully it will hold all the stitches.

30 Rows Middle Extension Written Chart

Naturally I am keeping track of my rows as before. I am only noting down the knit rows as the purl will be the same. To clarify what I am doing I started with 4 stitches which I knitted and purled.

On the Second Row before I knitted I picked up a stitch from the Daytime side then knitted the 4 stitches I had on the needle. I then picked up a stitch from the side of the Night Time side. I then purled back all Six stitches.

I proceeded to pick up a stitch either end so each knit row added two stitches each time.

30 Rows Middle Extension Pictorial Chart

On the above Pictorial Chart you can see a reversed triangular pattern developing. I didn’t bother numbering the chart I mere put a nought at the starting point. I then put the 2 stitches on the chart either side of the 0. I then added one square each end as I went along.

30 Rows Middle Extension

You can see how the middle part is building up. However as I said picking up stitches is not one of my strong points. I therefore found for some reason that as I was knitting one side seemed further along the side than the other.

This I had to rectify by trying to make one pick up side smaller and the other side larger to compensate and get back on track. It took me until nearly the end to get it level.

60 Rows Middle Extension Charts 

You might not be able to tell from the photograph but I made a couple of mistakes whilst filling in the Pictorial Chart. I think my eyes got tired and I miscounted some of the stitches. The good thing was this was only a clerical error and my stitches on the needle were still correct.

60 Rows All Across Hood Extension

I now have both the sides and the middle part of the extension at 60 Rows and I think it is looking pretty good.

Hood Extension Cast Off

I did a few rows of rib then I cast off. The Hood is not entirely finished but I need to check how the other parts will work in conjunction with the Hood. I will come back to the Hood later.

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